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National Neighborhood Data Archive (NaNDA)

National Neighborhood Data Archive

NaNDA: National Establishment Time Series (NETS) Datasets Update

Religious, Civic, and Social Organizations Published

The moment many of you have been waiting for… the National Neighborhood Data Archive (NaNDA) is happy to announce that we are finally beginning to publish updated and expanded versions of several of our datasets – specifically those that use the National Establishment Time Series Database (NETS) as their source data. These datasets span the years 1990-2021, and are being published at multiple geographic scales (2010 and 2020 Census Tract and ZIP Code Tabulation Area (ZCTA). Make sure to download the user guide for information on how these data were created, and a usage note on which geography to use. 

The first of these revitalized datasets published earlier this week: Religious, Civic, and Social Organizations. Others are in the process of being curated and published. Subscribe to our news to be the first to know when these datasets are released. We hope to publish a few per month, and have them all published by the end of 2024.


Datasets Being Curated:

  • Social Services
  • Liquor, Tobacco and Convenience Stores
  • Personal Care and Laundry
  • Post Offices and Banks
  • Eating and Drinking Places
  • Arts, Entertainment and Leisure
  • Recreation
  • Law Enforcement 
  • Marijuana and Vape Stores 
  • Retail Destinations and Services

NaNDA does have a few other existing datasets that use NETS as their source data. These datasets are still being created. These datasets include dollar stores, grocery stores, healthcare, hospitals, libraries, and education and training services. 


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