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National Neighborhood Data Archive (NaNDA)

National Neighborhood Data Archive

The COVID Neighborhood Project

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What is CONEP?
The COVID Neighborhood Project is a data collation effort whose aim is to collect and curate neighborhood-level COVID-19 case data from throughout the pandemic for all 50 states in the U.S. We work with state health departments to secure the COVID-19 data in accordance with all the necessary protections from the state health department. Check out our progress so far:

Table 1: Description of the current CONEP holdings including stat and spatial resolution
State COVID-19 Data Level of Geography
Arizona cumulative case counts ZCTA
Delaware total cases, average daily rate, SARS-CoV-2 tests, testing rate, vaccine distribution Census Tract
Florida cumulative case counts ZCTA
Illinois cumulative confirmed cases, total tested ZCTA
Indiana cumulative case counts ZCTA
Louisiana weekly case counts, weekly test count, test positivity rate, since Feb 2020 Census Tract
Maine cumulative case counts ZCTA
Maryland daily case counts since April 2020 ZCTA
Minnesota weekly case counts since May 2020 ZCTA
New Mexico cumulative case counts, deaths, SARS-CoV-2 tests, hospitalizations Census Tract
North Carolina cumulative case counts, case rate, total COVID-19 deaths ZCTA
Nevada cumulative case counts ZCTA
Ohio cumulative case count, 30-day cases, 14-day cases ZCTA
Oklahoma cumulative case counts, deaths ZCTA
Oregon cumulative case counts ZCTA
Pennsylvania cumulative case counts ZCTA
Rhode Island cumulative case counts ZCTA
Vermont cumulative case counts ZCTA
Virginia weekly case counts since May 2020 ZCTA
Wisconsin cumulative case counts, deaths, SARS-CoV-2 tests, hospitalizations Census Tract

What will we do with CONEP?

  • At CONEP we are working towards building a national database of neighborhood COVID-19 data that can be used by researchers, policy-makers, and the public to understand how COVID-19 has been distributed during the pandemic.
  • The CONEP can first tell us something about how COVID-19 has been distributed across neighborhoods in the U.S. Take a look at the map below which shows cumulative case counts per 100,000 split into deciles for the 21 states we currently have.
  • The CONEP data is linked with data from the National Neighborhood Data Archive (NaNDA) so we can understand what features of the neighborhood environment might tell us about the ways in which COVID-19 has affected certain neighborhoods.
  • As we continue to look at these patterns, our hope is that we can use these findings to help bring support to communities that have been hit the hardest. At CONEP, we believe that consequences of COVID-19 extend far beyond the number of cases—though that is an important metric. COVID-19 has significantly impacted many people’s social and economic wellbeing too and the social and economic wellbeing of entire communities.
Image of the United States overlaid with CONEP data

Figure 1: Map of the entire U.S. showing which states CONEP has data for and showing declines of COVID-19 case rates

Are the CONEP data available for public use yet?

We are just finishing our first analyses of the CONEP data which looks at relationships between neighborhood-level factors (example: socioeconomic status) and COVID-19 burden. Our initial findings can be found in State Variation in Neighborhood COVID-19 Burden: Findings from the COVID Neighborhood Project. We are also developing a strategy with ICPSR to make these data available to the wider community. Stay tuned for more updates! Contact us at: [email protected]

Funding Support: The CONEP project has received support from the National Institute of Aging-funded Network on Life Course Dynamics and Disparities in the 21st Century (R24 AG045061).